In the first part Steps to create custom Gateway service and Android application through Eclipse with GWPA Part 1 , i discussed first three topics:
1. Create a custom RFC Function Module to get PO header and item details. ( Developed in Backend system)
2. Create service in gateway system using above RFC Function Module.
3. Test our service in 'Service Explorer'.
In this blog i will continue and discuss how to 'Create Application in Eclipse and testing on Simulator'
4. Create Application in Eclipse and testing on Simulator :
Create New Project in Eclipse.
In OData Development -> Starter Application Project
Here I am using Android 4.0 as my phone has Android 4.1.1 version .
Choose List/Details Application
Get the Service link from metadata:
Add Activity for Header details:
Add Header Fields
Add '+' to add new activity for Item details:
Add Item fields and use Finish button to complete the Application development.
Select your Project and Execute. Run As -> Android Application
Enter Gateway system details:
As there is no input criteria, we will get first 50 PO's based on our RFC function module.
Scroll to get next PO’s
Select a PO to navigate to Items.
We can use this .APK file to test it on Android device.
Right click on your project in Eclipse and goto Properties. Under Resource -> Location, you can get above file(.APK) location.